Copyright (c) 2002-2012. Dimitry Kloper kloper@users.sourceforge.net
Available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/dgd
Building DGD source
DGD is a template library, there are no static or shared libraries that
must be built for using it. Just include DGD headers in your source. But
this is only half of the truth. DGD does depend on boost.
You will need to include boost headers and link with boost libraries.
DGD header files come without a single include statement inside.
There is no explicit list of boost headers that must be included before
each DGD header. Instead common header *dgd.h* can be used.
You will need to link with the following boost libraries:
- boost_filesystem
- boost_system
- boost_thread
- boost_program_options
Building DGD test suite and samples
You need perl (tested with perl 5.6.1 and up) to build DGD.
The following steps are required to build DGD:
- Download and build C++ boost.
- Download DGD distribution (dgd-XXX.tar.gz from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/dgd, here XXX refers to the package
- gzip -dc dgd-XXX.tar.gz | tar -xf -
Do this in the same directory where boost library is installed or in
directory one or two levels behind. DGD configure script will
search for boost library.
Go to DGD root directory and run:
perl -I cons ./cons/cons.pl -- --toolset=mingw,cygwin,boost -v3 --cygwin-root-dir=c:/cygwin --mingw-root-dir=c:/mingw --boost-root-dir=c:/boost-1.47
Before running this, specify a valid root directory path for each component.